Nurse (Old)
Mrs. Gina Krambeck RN
DelawareHealth Form (English)
Parent/Family Contact
Please make sure the school has current phone numbers so we can reach you, or one of your emergency
contacts, at all times. Also, remember to inform the nurse of any surgery or
serious illness that your child may have that causes them to miss school for any
length of time. The nurse can be reached by contacting McIlvaine's office at335-5039. Thank you.
medicine be given. The medication must be brought to school in the original container with the
dosage directions on the label. Medicine that is not in the original container (such as a plastic
bag or empty pill container) cannot be administered in school.
It is recommended that a change of seasonally-appropriate clothing be kept in your child's book bag at all times. Active kindergarteners may require a clean article of clothing to
change into during the day due to lunchtime, playground, or bathroom accidents.
Hearing and Vision Screening
All kindergartners will have their vision and hearing screened in the fall of the school year. If the
results of the screening indicates a need for further testing, a note will be
sent home indicating this. If you received a vision or hearing referral for
your child, please return it to me after they are seen by a medical
professional or call me with the results of their exam at 335-5039.
When to Keep Your Child Home
The following are guidelines you can follow if you aren’t sure whether to send
you child to school or not if they are or have been sick. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 335-5039.
1. Temperature over 100 degrees within the last 12-24 hours.
If you suspect that they may be sick please check their temperature with a
thermometer before sending them to school. If they have a fever it is not
appropriate to send them to school, even if you give them Tylenol and their
fever breaks. They will still be contagious to other children and will also not
be feeling well enough to learn.
2. Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 12-24 hours.
3. An unexplained rash.
4. Earache.
5. Red or crusty eyelids or drainage from eyes.
6. Headache, cough, sore throat, or congestion severe enough to interfere with
attention to school work.
7. Flare-ups of asthma, that would make it difficult to work in school.